Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Practical 6 Reflection

a. Do you think it is more effective to search the invisible web(databases) than using search engines, meta search or subject directories? Why?
Personally, I feel that it's a no because after using the databases, I found no relevant information regarding my topic. Databases are designed to offer an organized mechanism for storing, managing and retrieving information. Most of the searches or articles that appeared were of no help to me. But these articles are highly reliable and can be trusted because they are maintained by the goverment or others.

b. Will you use the invisible web(databases) for research in your own respective Diplomas? Why?
No because I prefer using search engines or directories as these sites offer more valid information to me. For some databases, it requires log-ins but search engines and directories don't. So it is more convenient and the search hits are of more relevance to me.

c. What have you learnt from your wiki experience during this practical?
I learnt that we can openly share our own research to others. From there, this account of sharing helps others in learning more about our research topic and patches up the loop holes. Through this we learn more by collaborating with each other.

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