Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Practical 3 Reflection

a. Were you impressed by google's search functions/features? Why?
Personally, I was impressed because after a few years using google as a search engine, I never really took a greater look into this website. I was taking advantage of this website but never really look in depth into it. By just using astericks, AND, OR could easily affect the hits or search results. This can help me by being accurate with my searches.

b. How do you feel about participation in discussion forum? Is it helpful for your research? Do you feel anxious about talking to others you do not know?
I felt happy that I contributed something and answered a stranger's question regarding my research topic. It was a win-win situation for both of us as he gets some answers and I get to learn more about my research topic. From there, even more discussions would happen and other forumers might join too in aiding us if they have other valid information or answers. I felt a little anxious as it was my first time. But nonetheless, I overcomed it and posted my views.

c. Why must you do citation and bibliography?
We do citations to acknowledge the source of information. It also allows the reader to follow and find the original source. Inadequate citations may lead to the thinking of plagiarism. Bibliography represents the research that you have DONE in preparation for writing and offers the readers suggestions for further reading/researching on the topic.

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