Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Practical 10 Reflection

a. Using your favourite metaphor, describe the most important lesson that you had learnt in your EIR journey.
Throughout the whole eir journey, a metaphor that I could relate to is like discovering a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The rainbow is like my whole EIR journey. It's as though I'm walking on the rainbow itself and the pot of gold represents the things that I've learnt and applied through my work. In other words, the benefits that I've received is represented by the pot of gold at the of the rainbow. Almost all of us use the Internet for our daily work, research etc and after seeing this CDS as one of the choices, I immediately picked it as my first choice and luckily I was chosen for this CDS. I wanted to learn how to use the different resources found on the web and to fuse them on my daily work. I wanted to engage in online activities and this CDS provided me a few platforms to do so and I am really pleased with the end results.

b. Write a paragraph summarizing your findings on your research topic.
I've found a lot of work regarding my research topic. A few people have really dedicated their lives on researching cyber bullying and helping to inform others about what they have learnt and also, to share their research. I have also learnt that there are a few dedicated research centres which are presently on going and active. This organizations help others around and I am really very thankful to them for their work and dedicating their lives to strangers like us.

Tutorial 5 & 6 Reflection

a. What is the significant learning experience for your group?
We could share information, learning through them, and therefore, gain knowledge. The videos showed what our topic is about and trying to sum it up. We provided evidence and therefore to a certain extent, indirectly answered the question.

b. As an individual contributor, what have you gained from this experience?
It showed me that their are various resources to aid me in my contributions. This shows that the journey throughout my CDS has really helped me and I benefited from it.

c. What is one most challenging experience you had?
To really get used to the application. Before posting on wiki about this topic, I did my wiki work on my research topic. The first time I did, I accidentally deleted someone else's work and the bibliography and after a few pages of browsing, I managed to repost and really got used to the application. I wrote clearly my mistake on the wiki page to notify others and let the person have credit because it's his work and he posted them.

d. What advice would you give to the next batch wiki groups as they start a similar project?
Start as soon as possible. Honestly, I did last minute work and I was rushing throughout so I would advice them to start work when possible and not delaying it.

e. Would you use Wiki for research in your own Diplomas? Why?
Yes as through this platform, we can have infinite exchanges of work and research and automatic compiling. It's really convenient and I found it quite easy to use this application.

Tutorial 3 & 4 Reflection

a. How has Twitter (micro blogging) enhanced your learning of EIR? Compare this with your blogging experience using Blogspot.
Through twitter, information is provided fast and short. It made me easier to understand the on goings very conveniently. Blogging usually involves paragraphs and paragraphs but through twitter, sentences are summed up easily which is actually to the point and very precise.

b. How can you use Twitter and Blogspot for research purposes?
I can easily post questions about my research question and I could get help through links in a jiffy. I can browse through other people's twitter accounts to find any valuable links. For blogspot, one can do a search about his research topic, and sometimes, the answer comes through blogs. A person who specialises in a specific research could open his/her own blog, dedicating it to the research topic and use it as a platform to provide information, answers and questions to be answered.

Tutorial 1 & 2 Reflection

a. How do you feel about posting your views on the topic posted on OLE Online Discussion Forum? Can you express your views freely?
I felt excited as this was our first time doing this and I wanted to see how it progresses. Overall, I saw many of my classmates posting and letting our their views. After reading some of my classmate's posts, it showed me the different opinions and considerations of others. As the saying goes, different people, different perspectives. I think that we can express our views freely as the discussion is not moderated, I suppose. But to a certain extent, we as students should know the line and never post any inappropriate content.

b. How does this online discussion experience compared with traditional face to face in-class discussions?
I feel that we do not have that much interaction amongst us. We cannot verbally say to each other our opinions and have a proper discussion. The online discussion experience only involves the respective individuals. Some of us may not even read the rest of the posts.

c. Do you find this online activity meaningful? Why?
Yes to a certain extent as it was a new form of doing work and voicing opinions. But on the other hand, we only considered our own opinions and not others. Thus, a proper face to face discussion would be helpful.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Practical 8 & 9 Reflection

a. Update your blog with magical pictures of your Dream Holiday destinations

b. Which evaluation criteria did you used to evaluate the multimedia websites for you dream holiday? Why?

c. Why did you choose to go to your Dream Holiday destination

My dream holiday destination is full of thrill, fun, danger and risks. Well, what is fun without danger or risks in the first place? It's a unique place which offers a lot of sports and I think that not many people would even want to go there. Whistler is no doubt the place where I want to be going.

View of whistler from whistler mountain

Whistler mountain as seen from Nita Lake in summer

A year ago, my brother introduced me into the world of mountain biking. Since then, I've been active in this by regularly having bike outings with him and other people whom I've met through riding. Through this, I have a closer bond with him and we often talk about our problems and the hectic days that we went through together while riding.

As such, he usually buys DVDs about mountain biking and one of my all time favourites is Collective: Seasons. Seasons is a film that follows 7 of the world's top mountain bikers through the course of 4 seasons of one year. The film explores what it means to be a full time rider as told through the lives of downhill racers, slopestyle competitors and big mountain freeriders. The moment the movie was showing, I was captivated throughout. The movie had immense landscapes and mother nature took the toll on me because it made me engaged to the movie.

Whistler bike park waiting area

A rider doing a drop in Whistler Bike Park (a very steep one)

Above is the last segment of Collective: Seasons which is my most favourite as it was very enjoyable just by watching and it made me want to be part of it. I highly recommend you to watch it. The segment shows 7 riders riding together. Not all of the riders have the same riding styles but nonetheless it was a very smooth clip and the riders get to show their skills and most of all, have fun.

After researching, I found out that the venue for this segment was shot at the Karate Monkey Section in Whistler Bike Park. Whistler is a Canadian resort town in the Southern Pacific Ranges of the Coast Mountains in the province of British Columbia, Canada. Over 2 million people visit Whistler annually primarily for alpine skiing and mountain biking.

However, going there would cost you some money. Money will go to flying tickets, accommodations, personal expenses. You'll also have to purchase passes to be able to enter the bike park. The passes alone would cost around $150.

And so, the website I used is It's a website which features a lot of information and the things that Whistler offers.

And now the evaluation criterias that I chose and why:

Purpose - I found the website through searching for packages for a Whistler trip. It became quite clear to me that the website's main aim is to market the accommodations available in Whistler. Almost all packages had different hotels in them and I would safely say that its main aim is to market accommodations.

Accuracy - The website is maintained by an organization aimed to provide the best accommodations towards the people going there. The website provides a lot of activities done at Whistler, packages, transportation and even has a restaurant guide so I have no doubt about its accuracy.

Coverage - For those who are at a lost as to what or where Whistler is, this is the website to go to. A person may have no clue, but after viewing the site, it shows the activities, accommodations there, packages and this can really help someone. It also covers the various mountains informations and stats like the temperature and trail map.

Accessibility - This website is easily accessible to anyone as it requires no registration to view the whole web page.

Presentation and Management - As Whistler have different activities on different seasons, there's two options; summer and winter. Through clicking, there's a wide array of activities offered and shown which is really neat and user friendly. Visitors would not get lost through viewing this site.

Practical 7 Reflection

a. Which criteria did you use to evaluate Why did you choose this criteria? What lessons have you learnt from this activity?
Purpose - To me, the purpose of this website is quite clear; to provide fast and random news to the local community. To me, I feel that teenagers out there don't really bother much about news like current affairs. We are more into those small news like gossips and rumors. This website is seen as a great platform for youths out there to spend their time reading and watching interesting news and on-goings.

Currency - The website is updated regularly and the discussion forums are up to date. Current news are present in the home pages while others require searching.

Accessibility - This website is easily accessible to everyone. Recent news about the 'girl' being groped by a few men reached out to others like the blink of an eye. It became quite the talk of the town. More news about this issue began to surface and details were shown. But, to post comments, one has to register for an account. This is good as not any random person can post crude comments. Also, a person maybe blocked for rude comments which is good as the younger generations should not be exposed to this absurdity.

I have learnt that news in general spread very fast as there are many channels for us to feed them in. Even gossip or rumors are concerned too. But sometimes, we can't believe what we have read, as it might not be the whole truth.

b. How do you feel about sharing your views through Wiki?
It's really easy for me because I just have to log in and just post information. All the information are listed in just 1 page and this is more convenient towards me. Also, it can help me understand easier.

Practical 6 Reflection

a. Do you think it is more effective to search the invisible web(databases) than using search engines, meta search or subject directories? Why?
Personally, I feel that it's a no because after using the databases, I found no relevant information regarding my topic. Databases are designed to offer an organized mechanism for storing, managing and retrieving information. Most of the searches or articles that appeared were of no help to me. But these articles are highly reliable and can be trusted because they are maintained by the goverment or others.

b. Will you use the invisible web(databases) for research in your own respective Diplomas? Why?
No because I prefer using search engines or directories as these sites offer more valid information to me. For some databases, it requires log-ins but search engines and directories don't. So it is more convenient and the search hits are of more relevance to me.

c. What have you learnt from your wiki experience during this practical?
I learnt that we can openly share our own research to others. From there, this account of sharing helps others in learning more about our research topic and patches up the loop holes. Through this we learn more by collaborating with each other.